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Christmas Essay | My Favourite Festival - Christmas Essay in 600+ Words

Christmas Essay | My Favourite Festival – Christmas Essay in 600+ Words

Students should know all about this Christian festival. This essay aims to provide basic information about major celebrations and the birth of Jesus Christ. Let’s see how to write an “essay on Christmas”!

Christmas is a major Christian holiday. Christians celebrate this festival with great joy. There are a lot of activities like giving gifts, decorating the Christmas tree, playing music, giving food to each other. This festival is celebrated in the last week of December and is celebrated by all Christians.

Christmas Essay In English

Christmas is a holiday celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Every year, December 25 is celebrated around the world as the birthday of Jesus Christ. According to the Christian faith, Christmas marks the beginning of a 12-day festival called ‘Christmastide’.

There is disagreement as to when Jesus Christ was born and exactly what date should be considered, but December 25 is considered to be the birthday of the Lord Jesus according to the Christian calendar. On the same day, Christmas was celebrated.

More than half the world’s population is Christian. It is also celebrated almost all over the world. The festival is celebrated in some places at midnight and in some places in the evening. On this day, Christian followers greet each other with various gifts and greetings.

The Christmas tree is a deciduous tree decorated for Christmas and is an integral part of the festival. On the same night, Santa Claus is believed to be a gift for the little ones. The little ones are always waiting for Santa Claus.

My Favourite Festival – Christmas Essay in 600+ Words

The various practices and methods of celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus appear to have evolved independently. Christmas greetings are sent to family members and relatives. Traditional letters include Christmas and New Year greetings. The Bible in some letters contains thoughts and poems. The first commercial Christmas greetings card etc. C. Built-in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole. Now this method is widely popular all over the world.

The Christmas tree is considered to be a part of the pagan culture. It has to do with the winter transition. The Christmas tree was first named after him. It happened in 1835. These trees are decorated with garlands of lamps and other decorative materials. The tree is decorated with children’s socks, small symbolic sticks, small bells, and gifts. In some places, especially at places of worship, the scene of Jesus’ birth is presented. This scene is very attractive.

Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas is a major feature of Christmas. Santa Claus is a fictional character. In Christian culture, it is believed that Santa Claus presents gifts to well-behaved children the night before Christmas. Santa Claus is an old man with a white beard and a red tunic and glasses.

Short Essay / Paragraph on Christmas Essay in 150+ Words

Songs and music related to Christmas is another important topic. On this day, Christmas carols are sung. The music is believed to have originated in Rome in the 4th century AD. The practice of singing Christmas songs in the local language may have developed around the 13th century. Christmas songs in English first. C. In 1426Was sung.

John Audley compiled 25 songs that were performed from house to house. A group of singers would go to each house and show them as songs. These songs cover various topics from the birth of the Lord Jesus to the celebration of that joy. These songs were later played on the record.

Some people fast on Christmas day as well as on the occasion of the festival wine, cake, baked turkey, pudding, various types of chocolate, types of biscuits, boiled potatoes and eggs, and non-vegetarian foods are prepared and eaten with relish. Christmas is a religious holiday that is celebrated with great joy.

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