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Blood Donation Essay and Paragraph in English For Students

Blood Donation Essay and Paragraph in English For Students

Hello Students, Today we are coming with another essay topic. And that is Blood Donation Essay in English. It is helpful for all school students and competitive exam aspirants. So let’s start…

Blood Donation

Blood donation is one of the noblest and greatest donations a man can make. Human blood is irreplaceable by any chemical, drug, or fluid. Every three seconds someone needs blood and one unit of blood can be separated into several components.

The need for immediate blood may include emergencies, accidents, and several blood disorders like Sickle Cell Anaemia, Thalassemia, and Haemophilia, Out of the 12 million units of blood required, only 9 million units of blood is available in India. Hence, there are many people who lose lives due to unavailability of the blood.

Essay on Blood Donation

Sometimes, either the matching blood group is unavailable for the patient or the blood amount is inadequate, This is a serious issue which needs our attention, as it can be anyone who might need blood in critical situations. We must be generous, kind and more human in donating blood to save any life in danger. We must also encourage people around us about the need, benefits and proper way of donating blood.

One must know or be familiar with the fact that the donated blood is less than half of the extra blood that our body does not need.

But there are numerous people who turn a deaf ear when it comes to blood donation. They are those kinds who barely take blood donation as a matter of concern. But they forget one thing that it might be someone else in need today, but tomorrow’ it could be them. To recognise blood donors who take an attempt to save lives and serve the purpose of creating awareness on the relevance of blood donation, June 14 is celebrated as World Donor Day and this year s theme “Give blood. Give ftoh’. Give often.”

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Types of Blood Donation

Depending upon who is making the donation and why they are donating, blood donation is categorised into four types:

1. Voluntary non-remunerated blood donation : the donor turns up out of his/her wish to donate blood without any material gain in return.

2. Commercial : One donates blood for a monetary reward.

3. Replacement: Family Replacement – a family member donates blood to save a patient’s life. Another replacement is, whereby a friend or a person of goodwill donates blood.

4. Autologous: Here one donates blood to be used by him or herself. This happens when one is going to undergo surgery and the blood is stored for use after the surgery.

Frequency of Donation

A person can donate every three months but not beyond four times a year. Lhis is applicable when one has to donate whole blood that includes all the components -red cells, plasma, platelets and other nutrients from the body.

Benefits of Donating Blood

It prevents myocardial infarction, hypertension, and heart attacks. Heart attacks are common due to a lot of lipids in blood circulation which block the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. these lipids {especially, the low-density lipids commonly called cholesterol) are dangerous for health.

Blood donation on other hand is lower proven to the levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Hemoglobin is a red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood and if blood is donated regularly, the hemoglobin levels are controlled.

When there is excess hemoglobin in one’s blood, it thickens the blood fluid and restricts its flow, which doesn’t allow the blood to flow freely in the vessels and leads to dots in the brain or thrombus. The risk of cancer also gets reduced by donating blood, according to research done by Medical. Daily The study suggests that by giving blood, there is a reduction of iron stores and iron in the body which can reduce the risk of cancer. Iron is considered to increase free-radical damage in the body and is linked to an increased risk of cancer and aging.

The cardiovascular health is also preserved by blood donation. Blood viscosity is known to be a unifying factor for the risk of cardiovascular disease. To determine the amount of damage to one’s cell, lining the arteries, one needs to know how thick and sticky one’s blood is and how much friction one’s blood creates through the blood vessels.

this blood viscosity can be reduced by donating blood on a regular basis, which eliminates the iron that may possibly oxidize in one’s blood. An increase in oxidative stress can be damaging to one’s cardiovascular system.

Who can Donate Blood?

  • Those who suffer from chronic ailments like Cancer or Leukemia cannot donate blood. Besides these, those who have AIDS, Hepatitis or Malaria, also cannot be donors.
  • The person who has to donate blood must weigh at least 50 kg and above and their age must be above IS years and not beyond 60. Their hemoglobin level should be 12.5 gm/dl or above.
  • Women in their periods can’t donate blood and they have to wait for at least seven days after the periods.
  • Someone on certain medication like aspirin can’t donate blood. A pregnant woman too can’t donate blood and can do so twelve months after the baby is born.
  • The donor must consider going for a medical check-up before donating blood, in order to ensure the safety of both the recipient’s and donors’ health. This is also necessary to ensure that the donor has enough blood. The blood which might contaminate others can’t be taken and also the screening of the donor helps determine the blood being taken will be life-saving.
  • One should remember that donating blood is completely safe and will not make you weak or won’t hurt you. If you save a life today, you may be saved tomorrow when you are in need of blood.

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